Dr. Lee Is Currently On Maternity Leave & Won't Be Accepting Clients Until Fall 2024

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In-Home Veterinary Palliative Care & Medication Services

Whether your pet is approaching end-of-life, or is simply aging rapidly at this point – connecting with us to provide in-home palliative care will enable your pet to experience more comfort and dignity during the later and final stages of his or her life.

Is palliative care the same as end-of-life care?

A lot of people confuse “palliative care” with “end-of-life care”, which isn’t necessarily the case.

Some pets requiring palliative services can sustain a fairly consistent quality of life indefinitely and our end-of-life euthanasia services may not be required for some time.

Having your pet thoroughly examined by one of our  veterinarians can reveal a lot and will enable us to come up with the best plan possible for their well-being.

In-Home Palliative Pet Care & Medications for Cats & Dogs

Meet Dr. Yvonne Lee

B.Sc., B.V.Sc.

A native Torontonian with more than 20 years in the field of veterinary medicine, Dr. Lee is a fully certified and practicing veterinarian who focuses on providing compassionate in-home palliative care & humane euthanasia for pets throughout Toronto & surrounding areas.

What exactly is palliative care and how will you help my pet?

A great way to look at it is to think that you are trying to relieve physical symptoms without actually treating the cause of those symptoms.

So, in the case of an aging or near end-of-life dog or cat who might be suffering from various sources of pain, we will try to offer medication to combat that pain.

We may also recommend such things as diet changes or restrictions or other medications to help lessen symptoms, but for the most part we are typically focusing on pain relief.

Our palliative programs can include:

Our Services:


We’ll help to assess your pet’s current physical state and make treatment decisions.

Pet Euthanasia

Compassionate & pain-free euthanasia performed in the comfort of their home.


Aftercare supports include communal or private pet cremation & at-home burials.

Our Mobile Vet Service Areas

Our veterinarians routinely visit many pet owners’ homes, primarily in Toronto’s west-end (Junction area), but also throughout the city and around nearby areas in the Greater Toronto Area.

We provide house calls for assessment consultations, palliative care and end-of-life services for pet owners in the following Toronto cities and neighbourhoods (listed alphabetically):

Have Any Questions?